In 2018 TSUE received the grant of the European Commission for implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module on European Studies in Business, Economics and Finance, which made our University one of the pioneers in the field of European studies in Uzbekistan. Our experience with the Module within 2018-2021 proved, that there was a huge demand in EU studies in Uzbekistan
Results in Teaching Activity
In three years of EMSBEF activities 218 students completed both courses of the Module and were granted with the Certificates of Participation, 188 of them Master’s level and 30 - Bachelor’s level students. In the Course "European Studies in Business and Economics" we covered such topics as globalization and europeanisation, international business, political and cultural environment of European business, global and European trends in international sourcing, FDI in Europe and others. In the Course "European Studies in Finance" we considered EU financial regulation, EU experience in derivative tools, European experience in taxation, EU's direct investments in Uzbekistan, role of EU in trade facilitating and TFA.
Results in Dissemination
As second type of the Project activities includes the organization of the specialized workshops devoted to the selected topics in the EU Studies in Business, Economics and Finance we organized Seminar “Business in Uzbekistan for European Companies”, “Financial tools in facilitating trade activity with the European countries” at TSUE, we visited Bukhara State University with informative session for Jean Monnet activity. We took part in the Webinar "Dissemination of the Project results", “Teaching methodology in time of pandemic", Dissemination Webinar within the Erasmus Days 2020: "Achievements of JM Module inTSUE and recommendations to the applicants" and many other events arranged both by EMESBEF, and National Erasmus Office